Lille Rosendal &
Riccalton DK
medlem af Avlsforeningen for Shetlandsponyer i DK
Sulsted føl og plageskue
Riccalton DK's Lucy Liu
Nr 1 of 5
9-9-8-8-9=43 points
Best in Show
(show mare)
Type: Gold hoppe af god type
Køntudtrykfuldt hoved.
Yeld mare of good type,
pretty expression.
Bygning: Særdeles gode
harmoniske rammer.
Very good harmonic body.
Lemmer: Gode lemmer
med gode hove.
Good limbs with good hooves.
Skridt: God og energisk i skridt.
Good and energetic in walk.
Trav: Særdeles god trav med good haseaktion.
Very good trot with good hock action
Riccalton DK's Hello Pearl
Nr 2 of 5
9-8-8-8-8=41 points
Best in Show
Type: 2 års hoppeplage af særdeles god type.
2 years filly of very good type.
Bygning: Gode veludfyldte harmoniske rammer.
Good well built harmonic body.
Lemmer: Passende føre.
Adequate bone.
Skridt: God og energisk i skridt.
Good and energetic in walk.
Trav: Let og fri med godt indundergreb.
Light and free in trot with good tracking up.
A wonderful, very unexpected day!
Two show champions was not what we expected when we left the house this morning.
Huge thanks to Ditte Andersen for giving full gas in both classes and for pulling out all the stops in both championships.
We must thank the show committee for a wonderful show and thanks for the
beautiful prizes, rosettes and sashes to
Avlsforengingen for Shetlandsponyer
Sparkassen Vensyssel
Stald Torpegård
Stutteri Højlund