Lille Rosendal &
Riccalton DK
medlem af Avlsforeningen for Shetlandsponyer i DK
Kimbrerskuet 2023

Riccalton DK's Lucy Liu
S 6095
Nr. 1 of 7
Max 24 points
Særdeles god type
Særdeles god dybde
Særdeles god bredde
Kønt venligt øje
Velrejst & velformet hals
Særdeles god skulder
Velformet muskuløs overlinie
Gode lår
Passende føre lemmer
God aktive skridt, lige
Særdeles god trav
Very good type
Very good depth
Very good breadth
Nice friendly eye
Well raised and well shaped neck
Very good shoulder
Well formed, muscular topline
Good thighs
Appropriate limbs
Good active and straight walk
Very good trot

A huge thanks to Laura Dahl Kjærgaard for doing a fantastic job showing Lucy today
and to family Dahl as always for the wonderful company.
Also thanks to the show and to Sparekassen Danmark for the beautiful rosettes and prize Lucy received.