Lille Rosendal &
Riccalton DK
medlem af Avlsforeningen for Shetlandsponyer i DK
Forårsshow i Midtjylland 2023
Lille Rosendals Miss Molly
Yearling filly
Nr. 1 of 9
Reserve Best in Show
TYPE: Upstanding young filly of good type,
good expression.
BODY: Good depth and breadth, strong back part, under neck, well set neck.
LIMBS: Adequate
WALK: Straight. Good and rhythmic.
TROT: Easy and earth covering.
Riccalton DK's Hello Pearl
Four years mare
Nr. 1 of 2
TYPE: Big framed mare of good type, good expression, pretty head.
BODY: Strong back part, good depth and breadth, heavy neck.
LIMBS: Adequate
WALK: Good energetic, but not relaxed.
TROT: Easy and earth covering.
Many thanks for a fantastic day to the show committee.
Superb results from our two girls !
Huge thank yous to Susanne and Laura Dahl for showing our girls and taking them both all the way to the finals !!
Big thanks to the following for the beautiful rosettes and prizes
the girls received.
Avlsforengingen for Shetlandsponyer
Stutteri Trinhedegaard
FS Horseboxes
Lille Rosendals and Riccalton DK
Stutteri Engholm
Land og Fritid
Gulerodskongen, Randers