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Aulum Dyreskue 2024

Scan 2.jpeg

Good type.
Well formed and well set
head and neck.
Sloping shoulder,
Good withers.
Good top line but a little long in the body.
Slightly soft pastern joint.
Flat hooves
Good and even walk.
Light and free in trot



Good type, 
developing well for a 2 year old.
Upright and well set neck.
Good shoulder 
Big frame, high croup. 
Enough bone but at the moment a little soft.
Light and even walk.
Wish for more tracking up
but good joint action.

A wonderful mainly sunny day at Aulum agricultural show. 
Huge thanks to Laura Dahl for showing both Pearl and Molly on what has to be one of the most uneven show grounds, you did amazing.


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